Thursday, May 10, 2007

Potentential ABC Schedule Sent to Advertisers

According to "Proud Boy", a prominent poster at the Zap2It television message boards, who has been on top of all of the fall pilot buzz, a potential fall schedule (the final version will be revealed next week at the Fall Upfronts) is reporting tonight that a potential final version of ABC's fall schedule has been sent to advertisers. As I've talked about in previous posts about the upcoming fall television schedule and the pilot buzz I'm very intrigued by the ABC schedule because of the numerous pilots I really like (the Grey's Anatomy spinoff Private Practice, Perfect Gentlemen, and Dirty Sexy Money among them). Here's what the rumor is ABC sent out:

Dancing with the Stars
Sam I Am

Dancing with the Stars
Dirty Sexy Money
Boston Legal

Pushing Daisies
Private Practice
October Road

Ugly Betty
Grey's Anatomy
Football Wives

The Middle
Men in Trees

College Football

America's Funniest Home Videos
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Desperate Housewives
Brothers & Sisters

Notes from the Underbelly (Mondays after DwtS)
Perfect Gentlemen (Mondays after DwtS)
Lost (Tuesdays in January)
Oprah Winfrey's Big Give (Tuesdays after DwtS)

The Bachelor
Cashmere Mafia
Eli Stone
The George Lopez Show
The Knights of Prosperity

Not having seen the pilots, it is hard to really analyze the potential schedule, but I like the fact that the three pilots I really liked are all either on the schedule in the fall (or in the case of Perfect Gentlemen, will be before the start of the new year). Since, at least from the cast list and pilot description, I think I'll like Perfect Gentlemen more then the other pilots, it is disappointing that the show is being held back until after Dancing With the Stars completes its fall fun. I don't mind Lost's move to Tuesday (I don't watch much on Tuesday aside from Boston Legal anyway) and the Grey's Anatomy spinoff 9:00 Wednesday makes a lot of sense. And I think even though it seems a lot of people around the internet didn't like the spinoff episode, I think Private Practice is going to be pretty successful. We'll see on Tuesday how close to reality this schedule is.

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