Thursday, May 17, 2007

Analysis of FOX's New Fall Schedule

Television Upfront week ended on Thursday with the unveiling of the new fall schedules for both the CW and FOX, and while I watch zero shows on the CW (as I've previously said, ever since the former WB canceled Jack & Bobby, I've given up on the network) the FOX announcement was intriguing, both for their new shows, and to see where some of their old ones would end up. The highlights:

** Prison Break remains 8:00 Monday, which means I likely won't be watching much of How I Met Your Mother in its regular slot. Prison Break ended with a great finale this year and I can't wait to see where the producers take the show from here. 24 will return to Monday nights, 9:00, in January of 2008, and those producers are promising to give the show a face lift, including potentially eliminating CTU, which is fine with me. 24 needs a tuneup after this very sub-par season.

** Back To You, the only comedy I'm looking forward to this year will debut at 8:00 Wednesday in the fall. With Kelsey Grammar and Patricia Heaton playing bickering news anchors, it should be a hilarious show.

** The other show I'm looking forward to, Julianna Margulies staring as a criminal defense attorney in Canterbry's Law, will debut in January, but will be broadcast in an absolutely killer 9:00 Thursday timeslot against CSI, Grey's Anatomy, and The Office. It likely will be unable to gain any traction there, as the male demographic will be watching The Office and CSI and women, who may want to watch to see a strong female lead, will be watching Grey's Anatomy. I'll check it out, but I don't like its chances in that timeslot.

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