Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Analysis of CBS's New Fall Schedule

CBS continued TV Upfront week on Wednesday by releasing their 2007 fall schedule, which featured some good and bad news for my viewing habits. I'll skip the night-by-night analysis (because I don't watch much of CBS and honestly don't have much to say about three versions of CSI and the majority of CBS' fall schedule) but I still have some thoughts on the shows on CBS I do (or did) watch.

First, as for shows "on the bubble" that I watch on a fairly regular basis, Jericho and How I Met Your Mother, I went 1-2, with HIMYM returning to its 8:00 Monday home, while Jericho ended up on the chopping block, canceled. I'm glad HIMYM is returning, as I think it is one of the smartest comedies on TV right now, and I think the show could go in a very interesting direction next year now that Ted and Robin have broken up. I don't watch it as much as I should (I usually am watching Prison Break) but I'll do a much better job next year of catching up on CBS online.

As for Jericho, I wrote about my love of Jericho in my Top 5 Shows to Save For Next Season post, but I'm not surprised it was canceled. The ratings just weren't there, and it was a dark story (fighting off starvation and rival towns after a nuclear attack and loss of all electricity is not what makes for an uplifting fun story). But, the show felt real, which was part of its charm, and it did go out on a high note, with a very emotional, very strong season (or, as it turned out, series) finale. It ended with a cliffhanger (of course) so we'll never know what happened to the town of Jericho, and whether it was able to fight off rival town Newburn, or if the Army came to their rescue. Overall, though, it was a solid season, a solid series, and I'm glad I watched.

As for what shows will be on CBS' schedule, the biggest shakeup (at least as far as my viewing habits are concerned) is Shark's move. Thankfully, though, it will not be moving to Tuesday's to compete with Boston Legal. Instead, it moves to Sunday at 10:00 perfect timing for me, as I have no other shows to watch at that time (outside of NFL football during the fall). What was curious, though, was that CBS chose not to put a new drama after CSI in Shark's old spot, 10:00 Thursday, but a veteran drama, Without a Trace. Now, Without a Trace has been successful in that spot in the past, and maybe with ER weakened and ABC showing a new, untested (but promising drama) Big Shots in the time period, CBS feels it can take over with an established show.

Otherwise, Survivor going to China should be interesting, as a new geographic locale may be just what the show needs to come back to come back to life ratings wise. CBS's new shows, including Vampire drama Moonlight, Jimmy Smits' family drama Cane, and the musical drama Viva Laughlin just aren't doing it for me. Maybe I'll check one or two out, but probably not.

Only the CW (which I really don't care about) and FOX (with some interesting pilots to place on the schedule) to go.

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