Monday, October 15, 2007

Roy Williams to Deliver Pizzas for Pizza Hut

Less than a month after saying that he never tips his Pizza Delivery guy, Detroit Lions wide receiver is doing an about face according to the Detroit Free Press. Despite impeccable logic (Williams argued that since you don't tip your mailman or the FedEx or UPS delivery guy, why would you tip a pizza delivery guy), Williams has said he has since learned to tip, and will do so in the future.

Now Williams is taking his learning experience a step further. Pizza Hut, after hearing of Williams lack of tips, challenged him to be a deliver Pizza's for a day to learn the hardships of being a pizza delivery man, with the tips Williams collects, of course, going to charity. Tonight the Free Press reports Williams has agreed to the challenge, and will be delivering pizzas in metro Detroit tomorrow afternoon.

Like when Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban managed a Dairy Queen for a day a few years back, I think these stories are great. They are fun, show the athletes (or owners) have a personality and can take a joke, and they raise money for good causes. So if you get a pizza tomorrow from an NFL player, give him a good tip. It'll go for a good cause.

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